Camryn Gunther

Camryn is 2 years old from Bigelow, Arkansas. She has a 5 year old sister named Colyn, who is her very best friend! They live with their parents, Cody and Catherine Gunther.

When Camryn was 16 months old she was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease called an IL10 receptor deficiency. It is a very rare disease that causes inflammation in the body, but mostly the gastrointestinal tract, causing early onset inflammatory bowel disease. She’s on a daily injection that helps keep her inflammation within normal range, currently. Cam has undergone two surgeries from gastrointestinal issues with her early onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Cam is only the 3rd child in the United States to have this disease. There are under 100 cases of this disease worldwide and, without a successful bone marrow transplant, it could be life threating. Having this rare of a disease is difficult, not only to handle in every day life, but also with doctors because there is not much literature on this disease. Cam’s doctors at Arkansas Children’s Hospital did everything they could do for the family, and eventually referred them to St. Louis Children’s Hospital where we are currently receiving treatment. Her doctors at St. Louis Children’s Hospital did multiple testing and labs and were able to get Cam on the list for a bone marrow match through Be the Match. She currently has a bone marrow match and is set to start our transplant in 3 months.

The family believes with the help of God and modern medicine that they will have a cure for their daughter. You can follow Cam’s story on the “Currently with Cam” Facebook page.

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