Category Archives: Sponsorship

Kase Carnathan

Kase Carnathan is the 2-year-old son of Jon and Davonne from Dover. He has a 12-year-old sister named Ryleigh and a 10 year old sister named Landree. Landree has Chiari Malformation and had brain surgery 5 years ago. She still suffers from vision issues from the trauma of spinal fluid being cut off and optic nerve damage. 

Chiari Malformations are structural defects where the lower part of your brain presses on and through an opening in the base of the skull and cerebellum into the spinal canal. The cerebellum is the part of the brain that controls balance. 

As a newborn, Kase was diagnosed with “failure to thrive.” Kase has just recently been diagnosed with the same malformation as Landree. His diagnosis is more severe and he is still going through a lot of testing. Chiari Malformations are not common in young pediatric patients; that is what makes his diagnosis so tricky. Kase has speech delays and has a hard time keeping food down. He battles with seizures and intense pain. He will have brain surgery in the near future to try and correct this awful diagnosis. 

His mom says, “We are very hopeful for a good prognosis after surgery. Having two out of three of your children go through this is so hard on a parent’s heart. These sweet babies are definitely superheroes in my eyes for all they’ve had to go through!”